
Nov 11, 2014

Umer bin Abdul Aziz (R.A)

Islam means submission to the will of God, an eternal idea. Muslims claim that their faith in human virgin, signed by the first humans, Adam and Eve, and the prophets of God, including, among others, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon him) approved. Is a challenge for the Muslim community to build a community of believers "directs what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah." Islamic history is one of constant struggle to meet this challenge in the matrix. This battle is constant and relentless. Therefore, the Islamic revivalist movements in providing criteria that historical events can then measure and understand
Umar bin Abdul Aziz, known in history as Umar II, Prince for the first time in the history of the Islamic renaissance. After Muawiya, the character of the caliphate and established dynastic rule. Umayyad corruption reached its peak in Karbala. Magnificent Umayyad slaves and servants built palaces were surrounded by large urban centers, treasury as their key wallet as princes and kings lived. There is no responsibility for their wealth or their actions. People no say in government. Khalifa was nominated and can Bashd.ksany asked who were there to obey only the strong man, pay taxes and serve in the armed forces.
Umar bin Abdul Aziz, Amir accidentally. Amir later. Therefore, dictated in his will that Umar bin Abdul Aziz, a distant cousin, and he managed to Yazid bin Abdul Malik Omar bin Abdul Aziz followed. Umar bin Abdul Aziz, a Pole and experience as governor of Egypt and Medina had served more than 22 years. He was raised and a famous scholar of the age, Saleh bin Kaisan formed. Before the reign of Umar bin Abdul Aziz, a handsome young man, his interest in fashion and perfume. But if he had accepted responsibility for the caliphate, the most faithful and competent, visionary and leader of the Umayyad emirs.
He began to set a good example in his own person. When the news reached him of his appointment to the Caliphate, he turned to the people: "O people, I do not want to rule or liability consent pushed me If you decide to choose someone other than the Caliph. I will immediately resign and I support his decision. "It was the breath of fresh air to the public. They elected unanimously.
Umar ibn Abdul Aziz pressed his lavish lifestyle and ascetic life of Abu Dhar Ghifari For example, a well-known companion of the Prophet (peace be upon him) agreed. Umar ibn Abdul Aziz appendix removed all the glorious Prince of life, serfs, slaves, servants, horses, palaces, estates and gold clothing and returned to the Treasury. Family and relatives were the same instructions. FIDAK garden is a good example. It is a palm grove to the Prophet (peace be upon him) heard. Prophet's daughter Fatimah (R) (R) as a legacy of the garden had requested, but was abandoned Prophet Muhammad said that the property belongs to the whole community. Fatima, his claim before Abu Bakr (R) complains, but Abu Bakr (R) rejected the request and said he could not agree with this not the Prophet agreed. After the caliphate of Ali (R), FIDAK personal wealth Umayyad built. FIDAK life for the public sector to restore, as in trust for the entire community.
Umayyad no responsibility for the Treasury. To support their lavish lifestyles, huge taxes they collected from Iran and Egypt. They forced traders to sell their products at the lowest prices. Get appointment of Amir gifts of gold and silver in exchange for favors. Back to the process of life. Life repealed acts to punish corrupt officials and to establish strict liability.
Some Umayyad authorities the power drunk, abused the conquered people. Often, their properties were confiscated without due process. Contrary to sharia, if people accepted Islam in the new land, they continued to provide ransom. Those who refuse to pay the tax was threatened severe punishment. The way of life exceeded and ensures fairness in tax collection. Gone suppression Hajjaj bin Qurra Shareek in Iraq and Egypt. The people responded with enthusiastic support of the new Caliph. Increased production. Evidence that the reforms Omar Ibn Kathir, net profit of 28 million dirhams to 124 million dirhams performed only increased.
Following the example of the Prophet, Umar Bin Abdul Aziz sent emissaries to China and Tibet, calling their leaders to accept Islam. If officials have complained that, because of the conversion, Ransom significantly reduces government revenue, Caliph Umar replied that. An invitation to people had accepted Islam and not raise taxes injection of non-Arabs, Islam in large numbers in the middle of the Medina and Damascus, Iran and Egypt. As we develop in the next chapter, this development has had far-reaching consequences in the Abbasids (750) revolution and evolution in the schools of fiqh (760-860).
Umar bin Abdul Aziz, Emir of the first serious attempts to reconcile religious and political divisions among Muslims. Muawiya became common as Khatiban insulting Ali ibn Abi Talib (R) in the sermons of Friday prayers. Removal, so that you think of him "(Qur'an 16:90). It is still Friday sermon is read worldwide. Bani Hashim, and his Shias are treated with fairness and dignity. He even offered his hand to punish. Ibn Kathir writes Bostam chief Khawarij, they invite you to discuss the caliphate of Uthman (r) and Ali (R). He even went so far as to say Bostam must satisfy the life of penance would be willing to change their ways and be. Bostam sent two of his emissaries to the caliph. during the discussion, delegates agreed that life was fair and extremist Kharijites believe Thvyl.dygr. However, this does not mean Khalifa man.
Umar bin Abdul Aziz, the first Muslim ruler of the horizon outside of the conquests of his birth was moved inside. His army to the borders of France, India and recalled the outskirts of Constantinople Opel. There was an uprising and civil war during his caliphate there. Islam became the horizon at the time of his soul, to reflect on the historical conditions of their moral and replenish the deposit. Faith has flourished, as he had done was for Umar ibn al-Khattab (R). It is for these reasons that historians refer Umar bin Abdul Aziz Umar II and classified as the fifth rightly guided caliph Abu Bakr (R), Umar (R), Usman (r) and Ali (R).
But greed is not on his turf without a fight of faith. Life II reforms were also unhappy with the Umayyads and wealthy businessmen. Umar II was poisoned in the year 719, after the death of an empire that lasted only two and a half years. At the time of his death he was 39 years old. And with him died the last chance for the government of the Umayyads.