
Nov 9, 2014

Structure of Arabic Elements

Arabic, like all Semitic languages, is the use of morphological patterns (patterns of word formation) stem abstract word, which is displayed to provide general semantic concepts or values. These roots are usually three letters, there is the formation of many words from a basic root. For example the root KTB, which is associated with the notion of "writing", a verb derived Katab "writing" and KTuB "record", which may be associated with the addition of appropriate prefixes and suffixes. To further illustrate the Wortstämmetulpini can be obtained from different origins is useful in the composition of the root, wherein the positions of each consonant (C) in the remaining opposite two consonants. Шток rod in a model may Katab C1aC2aC3where C1 = K = T = C2 and C3 shown as change C1aC2C2aC3 shaft (medial Konsonantenverdopplungdublare root), that the withdrawal of the rod, which has a causal Kattab means "is (one) file. "on the other hand, an extension of the first strain vowel (C1aaC2aC3) KaaTaB appears, which means" Match ". Adding the prefix AT leads taKaaTaB" correspondence (with someone). "Invert There are fifteen models the verb may be theoretically possible, but five are extremely rare Each of these models can be modified to indicate the passive voice and present imperfect) for example :. KuTiB "was written" yaKTuB "wrote:" yuKTaB "written".
He changed consonants, using various combinations of languages and with different prefixes and suffixes, there are opportunities, many nouns, adjectives and adverbs of each root. The following words, for example, which are all derived from the KTB be found in a "book" dictionary "Seller" typical Kitab, KuTuBii KuTTaaB'elementary or Koran school brochure "KuTayyiB" KiTaaBa "" letters, script, website dialing "KiTaaBaat" Testing "KiTaaBii" writing "Maktab" from "maKTaBii" "Maktaba" miKTaaB'typewriter office desk, bookcase "literary", "mail", muKaaTaBa iKtiTaaB "Log, recording, dictation" istiKTaaB "author "KaaTiB" letter "maKTuuB" equal participants "muKaaTiB" "and muKtaTiB" (Cowan). Many of these words can be more like "library" writer "books" Qutb Kuttab "," maKTaBaat and some may seem feminine, "a writer," female journalist. "AndKaaTiBaat" "writers egKaaTiBa muKaaTiBa leave" above examples show morphological structure of the derivation rich and versatile word that could theoretically allow hundreds of Arabic words from the same root are received.

Arabic of spread

In the eighth century در Islamic Arab Empire from Persia to Spain, where the interaction between people of Arabic speaking countries speak another language has been developed. Syria, Lebanon and Palestine, where the majority of the population speaks a dialect of Aramaic and Arab tribes in the region, where local languages in many cases been replaced by Arabic. In Iraq, the Arabic spoken in Aramaic and Persian was the language of the dominant population. یک gradual process of Arabization in Egypt, where the Coptic and Greek dominated happened. North, where the Berber dialect Africa and is still used in some parts of the Arabization process is less complete. Iran and Spain, but remains in his mother tongue.
In the early days of the Empire, the majority of the Arab population is monolingual. Interaction with other languages, including Arabic words into new areas such as politics, government, science and the rich. This is in addition to the internal resources of the Arabic language is included in the empire state media.
study, including linguistics, philosophy and theology. Under the reign of the Abbasid Baghdad (750-1258 AD), the gold Arabic literature reached a new level of complexity to the study of language age. Many researchers, Arabs and non-Arabs, Muslims, Christians and Jews, to develop the spiritual life of the Arabic language as the language itself. A systematic approach to the translation of Arabic sources most appropriate means for the various scientific disciplines, such as philosophy, mathematics, medicine, geography, and various branches of science was built.
Beginning of the Crusades, the political unrest in Spain, the Mongol and Turkish invasion of the East, and internal conflicts within the empire, a period of decline began in the eleventh century as a result of several factors. This marks a period of relative stagnation in Arabic, the language of Islam, although it was never threatened.
, Contact us first, Muhammad Ali, Egypt Einem own decision, students in France and other countries, was sent to study in various fields. The Egypt as a teacher and writer. Lebanon has been in contact with the West in the early seventeenth century, maintaining a strong relationship with several European groups. To the west of Arab immigrants came to America and other missionaries established foreign languages, especially English and French, is an integral part of the education system in the Arab world.
Initial enthusiasm axial movement for national independence is a natural reaction to the colonization of Western Europe was. Islam and the Arabic language, these movements are usually associated with the two pillars of Arab nationalism. In the nineteenth century saw the development of the Arabic language as a modern living language.

Arabic development and history

Arabic belongs to the Afro-Asiatic (or Hamito-Semitic) family of languages that consists of over three hundred languages, some of which are extinct and some used marginally as liturgical languages. Arabic and Hebrew are the two prime examples of living Semitic languages while Hausa and various dialects of Berber are examples of surviving Hamitic languages.
The earliest known example of Arabic is an inscription found in the Syrian Desert dating back to the fourth century A.D. The pre-Islamic Arab tribes who lived in the Arabian Peninsula and neighboring regions had a thriving oral poetic tradition. But it was not systematically collected and recorded in written form until the eighth century A.D. This poetic language, probably the result of the fusion of various dialects, came to be regarded as a literary or elevated style which represented a cultural bond among different tribes.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) received his messages from God in Arabic through the Angel Gabriel over a period of twenty-three years, 610-632 A.D. The Holy Qur’an, containing these messages, was originally committed to memory by professional reciters (hufaz and qura’). With the spread of Islam, different accents for the pronunciation of the Qur’an came into use until a standardized version (with notations for different accents) was completed under the third Caliph, Uthman Ibn ‘Affan, in the mid-seventh century A.D. As more and more non-Arabic speakers were drawn to Islam, the Qur’an became the most important bond among Muslims, Arabs and non-Arabs alike, revered for its content and admired for the beauty of its language. Arabs, regardless of their religion, and Muslims, regardless of their ethnic origin, hold the Arabic language in the highest esteem and value it as the medium of a rich cultural heritage. It is this intimate connection between the Qur’an and Arabic which gave the language its special status and contributed to the Arabization of diverse populations.


Arabic is one of the most important languages in the world, with over 300 million people in several Arab countries use it as their mother tongue. It is also widely used language as the main language in a non-Arab country, the Central African Republic and Chad as a minority language in several other countries, such as Afghanistan, Israel (where both Arabic and Hebrew are the official languages), Iran and Nigeria. In 1974, Arabic was adopted as one of the six official languages of the United Nations, joining, English, French, Russian and Spanish in China. Over a billion Muslims in countries such as India, Indonesia, Pakistan and Tanzania study Arabic as a foreign language or two for operational and scientific use. In the United States, several Muslim and Arab communities employ Arabic daily interactions and for religious purposes.

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