
Nov 9, 2014

Structure of Arabic Elements

Arabic, like all Semitic languages, is the use of morphological patterns (patterns of word formation) stem abstract word, which is displayed to provide general semantic concepts or values. These roots are usually three letters, there is the formation of many words from a basic root. For example the root KTB, which is associated with the notion of "writing", a verb derived Katab "writing" and KTuB "record", which may be associated with the addition of appropriate prefixes and suffixes. To further illustrate the Wortstämmetulpini can be obtained from different origins is useful in the composition of the root, wherein the positions of each consonant (C) in the remaining opposite two consonants. Шток rod in a model may Katab C1aC2aC3where C1 = K = T = C2 and C3 shown as change C1aC2C2aC3 shaft (medial Konsonantenverdopplungdublare root), that the withdrawal of the rod, which has a causal Kattab means "is (one) file. "on the other hand, an extension of the first strain vowel (C1aaC2aC3) KaaTaB appears, which means" Match ". Adding the prefix AT leads taKaaTaB" correspondence (with someone). "Invert There are fifteen models the verb may be theoretically possible, but five are extremely rare Each of these models can be modified to indicate the passive voice and present imperfect) for example :. KuTiB "was written" yaKTuB "wrote:" yuKTaB "written".
He changed consonants, using various combinations of languages and with different prefixes and suffixes, there are opportunities, many nouns, adjectives and adverbs of each root. The following words, for example, which are all derived from the KTB be found in a "book" dictionary "Seller" typical Kitab, KuTuBii KuTTaaB'elementary or Koran school brochure "KuTayyiB" KiTaaBa "" letters, script, website dialing "KiTaaBaat" Testing "KiTaaBii" writing "Maktab" from "maKTaBii" "Maktaba" miKTaaB'typewriter office desk, bookcase "literary", "mail", muKaaTaBa iKtiTaaB "Log, recording, dictation" istiKTaaB "author "KaaTiB" letter "maKTuuB" equal participants "muKaaTiB" "and muKtaTiB" (Cowan). Many of these words can be more like "library" writer "books" Qutb Kuttab "," maKTaBaat and some may seem feminine, "a writer," female journalist. "AndKaaTiBaat" "writers egKaaTiBa muKaaTiBa leave" above examples show morphological structure of the derivation rich and versatile word that could theoretically allow hundreds of Arabic words from the same root are received.

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